Uva Godello

The Godello wine grape is a variety of white wine grape that comes from the riverbank of Sil (Galicia), being the main variety of the D.O. Valdeorras. It is one of the responsibles of making the Galicia wines experiment such an increase in their quality.
It is a grape of excellent quality, that possesses a much superior quality and better aging supplies than the Albariño wine grape, also used in that area, the Godello wine grape has a capacity of improvement, depending on how much time are they settled inside the wine barrels, altering its flavour and aroma depending on this factors.
In general terms, the Godello wine grape has a less defined and complex aroma than other white wine grapes, with mineral and herebaceuos touches. Its flavour is one of the most intense inside the Galicia grapes, with a fresh and intense acidity. Te wines elborated with Godello, are characteristic for having a yellow-strowed color, fruity and flowered, and a very intense crossing when in mouth.
The Godello grape its the most used grape in the D.O. Valdeorras and D.O. Bierzo, even though its cultivation is authorized in regions such as La Isla del Hierro, La Palma or the valley of GÜÍMAR.